How to Add User to Root Group in Ubuntu 24.04

Add User to Root Group: Ubuntu 24.04 Tutorial

Ubuntu is built based on Debian architecture. As one of the most popular Linux distributions among beginners and experienced users, Ubuntu emphasizes accessibility and ease of use. This Linux distribution is available both for desktops and servers. The default user, called root, has the highest power in a Linux system. Ubuntu limits your access when you install it on a desktop because you do not use root as the default user. This article will take you through how to add user to Root Group. Let’s get into it.

504 Gateway Timeout Error

504 Gateway Timeout Error? Here’s How to Fix it!

You might see the 504 Gateway Timeout Error message when accessing a website with your favorite web browser. This is frustrating for both website visitors and owners. Typically, 504 errors happen within the website or server itself. This particular HTTP status code can negatively affect a website’s SEO, potentially leading to a decrease in visitors. It is crucial for website owners to address these errors promptly to mitigate any negative impact.

How to stop receiving spam emails on Linux with SpamAssassin

How to stop Receiving Spam Emails on Linux with SpamAssassin

In the ongoing struggle against unwanted communication there are many technologies and strategies on how to stop receiving spam emails. One highly effective way for Linux users is the open-source Apache SpamAssassin project, offering a highly-effective and free anti-spam platform.

In this article, we’ll teach you exactly how to stop receiving spam emails on Linux with SpamAssassin.

How to Install Python on Debian 12

How to Install Python on Debian 12

Python is a versatile programming language that can run on almost any system architecture, from web development to machine learning, and can be used for applications in various fields. Besides its versatility, Python is also relatively easy for beginners to learn, making it one of the most popular programming languages. This tutorial will show you how to install Python on Debian 12.

How to Install MySQL on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install MySQL on Ubuntu 24.04

In this blog post, we will explain how to install MySQL on Ubuntu 24.04. MySQL is an open-source relational database management system written in C and C++ developed and maintained by the Oracle Corporation. MySQL offers a variety of features, such as speed, security, and replication, and it is one of the most popular databases. The data types provided by MySQL are int, tinyint, long, char, float, double, datetime, etc. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install MySQL, manage the MySQL services, and some simple operations about creating databases, users, etc.

This process will take up to 15 minutes. Let’s get started!

How to fix "err_ssl_protocol_error"

How to fix “err_ssl_protocol_error”

In this tutorial, we’ll help you recognize and fix the err_ssl_protocol_error in Linux OS.

An err_ssl_protocol_error message indicates that a website cannot be accessed securely over HTTPS. HTTPS is a secure protocol based on HTTP but with improved and high security. The websites that are accessible over HTTPS have valid SSL certificates. Even if you install a valid SSL certificate, you may still get the err_ssl_protocol_error.

In the next paragraphs, we will give an explanation and possible solutions for fixing the error SSL protocol.

How to fix "405 error"

How to fix “405 error”

In this tutorial, we will explain more about the 405 website error and how to fix it.

A 405 error is an HTTP not allowed error that prevents visitors from accessing the content of your website. The result of this error is a blank page and can be caused due to several reasons. If not resolved on time this can cause visitors to leave. Inevitably this damages your website reputation which may lead to a loss of sales.

In the next paragraphs, we will explain the reasons and possible solutions for fixing this error.

How to install Node.js and NPM on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install Node.js and NPM on Ubuntu 24.04

NodeJS is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment, one of the most popular tools among web developers. Developers typically use NodeJS to improve the functionality of web applications or create local development environments. This tutorial will guide you on how to install Node.JS and NPM on Ubuntu 24.04 using the default repository and NodeSource. You will also learn how to install a specific version of NodeJS using NVM.

How to Verify Checksum on a File on Linux

How to Verify Checksum of a File on Linux

Welcome to our tutorial on how to verify checksum of a file on Linux. Maintaining the integrity and security of data in the digital realm is crucial. Checksums validate the authenticity of files and data sets by generating unique strings of characters through mathematical algorithms. We’ll delve into the fundamentals of checksums, their significance in various contexts, and how to generate and verify checksums effectively. Let’s begin our exploration!

How to Install PHP 8.3 on Ubuntu 24.04

How to Install PHP 8.3 on Ubuntu 24.04

This tutorial will teach you how to install PHP 8.3 on Ubuntu 24.04. PHP is a scripting language used for development purposes. It was an abbreviation for Personal Home Page, but now it stands for the recursive initialism known as PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is used for creating dynamic web pages, and according to the reports in 2024, PHP is used by 76% of all websites whose programming language can be determined. Most popular CMS systems like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla are written in PHP. The latest stable version of PHP is PHP 8.3.

Installing PHP 8.3 and its extensions is straightforward and may take a few minutes. Let’s get started!
